
  • What is Core Radionic Analysis and Treatment?

    Core radionics is a method of evaluating energy patterns of trauma that have been imprinted upon the soul itself. Once the core radionic analysis is complete, the practitioner will recommend the form of treatment that will best assist nature in restoring harmony to the soul and the whole being. Treatments may consist of homeopathic remedies, flower remedies, color remedies, etc.…

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  • A Correlation Between the Minimum Dose in Classical Hahnemannian Homeopathy and Core Synchronism

    The lighter you get, the deeper you go: A correlation between the minimum dose in Classical Hahnemannian Homeopathy and Core Synchronism.

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  • Core 8 Treatment Notes

    Felt that there was a chaotic storm inside my being when receiving the core 8 part of the treatment. Using the core as a scanning device. When I left I walked the neighborhood and noticed I was walking completely different. Knees bent and relaxed and legs and feet grounded. It felt really unusual but good. As people approached during the…

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  • Learning Core Synchronism: Stepping into a Larger World

    An essay be Alex Vernon I began the first level of Core Synchronism training three days after graduating from NMSNT. I was excited and slightly nervous. My class had begun practicing Core about two thirds of the way through our program, so, it was not entirely new to me. And yet, there were times when I could palpate the Core…

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  • Ether

    Thirty spokes unite in one hub; It is precisely where there is nothing, that we find the usefulness of the wheel. We fire clay and make vessels; It is precisely where there’s no substance, that we find the usefulness of clay pots. We chisel out doors and windows; It is precisely in these empty spaces, that we find the usefulness…

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  • Core poem

    It’s Core Level three Synchronizing the brain, Long lines and chakras Check the wave pulses Medial to lateral Which toe feels funky? Doctor Stevens says, “Follow the vertical core, Synch it with the clock.” From bregma to feet Parietals widening Mastoids medial Working on bodies To bring relaxation I’m not a healer by Otter September 2016

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  • Learning Core Synchronism

    My name is BillyJack Davidson, I am twelve years old. I’ve just finished the Core Synchronism Level 1 class. I throughly enjoyed the class. Core Synchronism is amazing to give and to receive. Robert Stevens, ( The main teacher and the creator of Core) is a truly amazing man. I would even classify him as a genius. Learning Core was…

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  • Core and the Lymphatic System

    It took me a fairly long time to figure out how to work with the lymph system via core principles. There are a few problems that keep the lymph system locked up. This effects everyone’s general well being significantly. The lymph is directly involved with all issues of health and healing. The lymph has lost its relationship with the CSF.…

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  • Core Synchronism Featured in O Magazine!

    The February 14, 2014 issue of O Magazine features an encounter with Certified Core Synchronism Therapist, Eva Lipton-Ormand, CHom.

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  • Commentary on Energy in Matter and the Core Mother Template

    Dr. Stone: “It is only the Energy in Matter that makes matter seem alive. When this energy escapes, only the shell is left….A cure constitutes reaching the life current within and reestablishing the free flow of energy. “ Robert Stevens comment: It is the presence of the soul within any organism that manifests life and consciousness. The soul has an…

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  • Commentary On Cerebrospinal Fluid as Conveyor of Sound and Light

    The cerebrospinal fluid is the physical conveyor of the soul qualities (frequencies) of sound and light. The frequency of the soul is moving so fast that these frequencies require a physical carrier to directly influence the physical body.

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  • What Is Core Synchronism? Part Two

    The first step in developing a comprehensive system of hand medicine is an accurate model of a human being. The physical is only one aspect of our makeup. A comprehensive model for the effective practice of hand medicine must include the etheric and the life principle itself.

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  • The Soul of Hand Medicine

    The only source of life energy is Soul. Its qualities are sound and light. The Soul is a particle of Divinity, said to be immortal and to long for reunion with the Beloved Creator.

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  • Etheric Body: Opening Phase

    This is an illustration of the core model of the etheric body. The etheric body is comprised of organized patterns of flowing energy known as prana. This energy flows in a two phase cycle. This illustration demonstrates what is known as the open phase. The center green spiral is known as the vertical core current.

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  • Etheric Body: Closing Phase

    This is an illustration of the core model of the etheric body. The etheric body is comprised of organized patterns of flowing energy known as prana. This energy flows in a two phase cycle. This illustration demonstrates what is known as the closed phase. The center green spiral is known as the vertical core current.

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  • The Soul Swims in the CSF

    When I first felt the fluctuation of cerebrospinal fluid at The New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics I was captivated. The expansion and contraction of the space between the temporal bones drew me into a quiet space of focused listening

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  • Chakras and Elements

    There are five elements comprising the human etheric body: ether, air, fire, water and earth. Each chakra is a composite of all five elements plus the ajna chakra representing the mental/emotional body and the core mother template representing consciousness. This illustration depicts how the elements interact.

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  • The Physiological Basis of the Therapeutic Law

    The history of medicine has been one continued medley of therapeutic changes.  In Homeric Greek days professional medicine and surgery were represented by Machaon whose special attention was devoted to healing injuries and Podalirius who had the hereditary gift of "recognizing what was not visible

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  • Caduceus and Skeleton: Opening Phase

    This illustration depicts the cyclic movement of the caduceus and the major chakras. In the open phase the caduceus moves inferior from the ajna chakra to the base chakra. While the caduceus is moving inferior in the open phase the midline chakras are moving posterior.

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  • Caduceus and Skeleton: Closing Phase

    This illustration depicts the cyclic movement of the caduceus and the major chakras. In the closed phase the caduceus moves superior from the base chakra to the ajna chakra. While the caduceus is moving superior in the closed phase the midline chakras are moving anterior.

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  • Five Cores Comprising The Core Template

    The first outward movement of the creative consciousness is the vertical core. When the vertical core current is projected outward from the creative consciousness, the rest of the template is established.

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  • Ultra-Sonic Core

    When in balance, the vertical core may be palpated as a clockwise spinning spiral or a spiraling current moving towards the clients right side. The easiest position to palpate the vertical core current is at bregma.

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  • Five Cores Comprising the Core Template: Opening Phase

    This illustration depicts the opening phase of the core mother template and the etheric body. If any portion of the core mother template is out of synch, the etheric body will also be out of synch, as neutral balance always follows the template.

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  • Side View of Etheric Body

    This illustration depicts the movement of specific portions of the soul and etheric body. The yellow lines on the left illustration shows the long currents moving inferior in the open phase. The long currents move from lambda in the open phase to the toe tips.

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  • Major Chakras Anterior View

    This illustration depicts the major chakras anterior view. Chakra means spinning wheel. A chakra is a spinning wheel of elemental prana. There are five major chakras situated within the spine as part of the central operating system of the etheric body.

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  • Front Long Currents

    This illustration depicts the movement of the long currents in the open phase. There are five long currents on each side of the midline. The total number of long currents is ten anterior and ten posterior.

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  • Birth Body and Triads

    This illustration depicts several basic ideas of function and organization of the etheric body. The central portion of this illustration depicts what is known as the birth body relationships. The birth body relationships are between two like elemental pranas.

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  • Commentary on the Organon of Medicine: Aphorisms 1-3

    The physician is the servant of Nature. The physician is incapable of healing anything. he foundation of natural healing is stated simply, “Only God and Nature heal.” It is the egotistic narcissism of medicine to think that a physician heals anything.

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Core Synchronism

  • The goal with your patients is to find the way to healthy function within the mechanism that they bring to you. You need the perfect mental picture to guide you, but it is not beneficial to undertake to impose the ideal upon the head as you find it.
    Dr. William Garner Sutherland
    Dr. William Garner Sutherland