Touching the Life Current

Touching the Life Current
April 14, 2023 webadmin
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The class consists of:

  • Written description of how to synchronize the vertical core and open the door to the deep subconscious.
  • Three videos files of clients receiving the vertical core synchronization treatment.
  • One audio file going through the sequence step by step. The audio file will also emphasize additional essential points that may arise when doing the treatment sequence. Please listen to the audio file as it will contain important points that are not within the written description or the video files. This goes the other way also. The written description and the video files may contain information that is not in the audio file.

This class is essential for all core practitioners. No matter what level you have completed. This includes those that have completed level seven as much of this material was not taught in level seven classes. I realize that some of the material in this class will be out side the scope of the basic levels that some of you have completed. Please begin anyway. The synchronization of the vertical core builds on what was taught in core level one. When you have corrected the mechanics of the vertical core then just keep doing full pauses with the four parts of the vertical core and everything will work out fine. If you are uneasy about entering through the door into the deep subconscious no problem. When the client enters into the deep stillness the treatment concludes.

The discovery of the four aspects of the vertical core open up a different level of possibility for healing. As my polarity teacher, Pierre Pannetier stated so many years ago, “ we do not do anything, the Life Energy is doing everything”. These questions arise in my mind: What if the life energy (another name for the vertical core current) is not flowing freely through the whole? or what if the life energy is mechanically confused due to trauma? Understanding the whole model of a human being this would mean that the person is cut off from their conscious current and cut off from their very own current of balance, harmony, health and healing. How can one heal and have harmony of balance if this is the case? Answer we can not. Hence, in conclusion, the synchronization of the vertical core current is the essence of the system known as core synchronism.



Touching the Current of Life vividly and succinctly teaches the most vital and deepest mechanics of the Core Synchronism system. As a practitioner of the method since 2008, this deep dive allows me to provide clients a fuller level of balance while helping me understand phenomena I have encountered during treatments but could not put into full context. The course provides scaffolding for being able to sit with the architecture and gives permission to take whatever time is necessary for relationships to manifest, synchronize, and balance. I look forward to re-reading, re-watching, and re-listening to the lessons frequently, and am grateful to Robert Stevens for so generously sharing his work and discoveries to help make us better practitioners.



“This Touching the Life Current class is truly the distilled essence of the entire modality of Core Synchronism. This class gets directly to the point of what this modality has to offer; the proper correction of the life current, and its concomitant invitation into the client’s unconsciousness, where access to their deepest traumas reside. We are provided with wonderful instructions on how to assist the processing and releasing of all aspects of the central Core Current’s retainment of dis-synchronistic information in form of dysfunction, shock, pain, damage, etc. in the form of trauma, both superficial, and deep. I cannot recommend this class highly enough to anyone who wishes to deepen their bodywork, or Core Synchronism practice.” —M. B.


This class teaches us the principle of Core Synchronism. It reminded me of the importance of mechanics of the core current being in sync to the whole organism’s life energy flows freely for health.
I could review the importance of the pause to create the environment for the life energy correcting by itself and manifesting by itself.

By working with the subtle yet dynamic energetic flow, we will learn the beauty of life, and it is powerful. Feeling the stillness in the inner space of core current, that is an absolute peaceful place where both the client and the practitioner meet. Also, this class helped me to remember the importance of communicating with the energized core current wherever I work on the body.

I love the detailed step by step guide and philosophical teaching. All video and audio is very meditative, too.

I worked on myself following the guide of Dr. Stevens. I felt my body corrected by the freed and increased energy, well balanced. And now I have mental stillness that I have needed for myself being in a challenging transition of life.

Thank you. Erika Shinya








What an amazing resource to have Core Sync teachings online!

I took “Touching the Life Current” and it has helped me to deepen and enrich my Core practice. This is basically like taking a Core 7 class, which I last took in 2018. I had been missing retaking Core 7 the last few years, because it was always so helpful to learn the new things Robert was seeing in clients and how to treat them. I was familiar with the techniques in this class from previous Core 7 workshops, but they are even more refined now. I definitely learned some new things.

I watched it a second time while giving Karyn, another Core practitioner, a treatment. It felt like we were in a class with Robert, which we both have missed! I highly recommend treating someone while listening to one of the lessons; they will get a relaxing treatment and you will really feel all the nuances in the Core and Core wombs. It makes the information truly come alive.

This is a valuable class to any level of Core practitioner. If you have not taken Core 7, I would recommend getting the materials for the class as well so you can have visuals for what the Core and Core wombs look like. I would suggest starting with lesson 4, the audio file, and look at the diagrams while you listen to the sequence, and then watch the demos, lesson 1-3.
Be patient, it takes time for all 4 structures of the Core to synchronize, and for the inner and outer wombs to fill in, but when you see this beautiful architecture illuminate the human form and observe the depth of relaxation that your client receives from the stillness, you will be humbled by this ability to touch the life current.


The gathering seemed like a bunch of wizards sharing techniques of the craft. Old friends who haven’t seen each other in a very long time sharing a giddy joy.