The Practice of Core Radionics

The Practice of Core Radionics
March 31, 2023 webadmin
Current Status
Not Enrolled
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This class is advanced. It is for those with a background in radionics or for those students that I have previously trained in radionics and wish to move forward and deepen their practice. Persons without a background in radionics should avoid taking this class.

Core Radionics Class Format:

    • Review with comments of class materials (PDF) included with class enrollment. Do this step first please.
    • Part 1: Video demonstration of how to do a complete core radionic analysis and treatment. Four case demonstrations will be completed in part 1.
    • Part 2: Video demonstration of how to do a complete core radionic analysis and treatment. Two case demonstrations will be completed in part 2.
    • Part 3: Video of radionic instruments used to prepare medicines and to do projection treatments.



“Robert Stevens’ The Practice of Core Radionics course is a powerful testament to Malcom Rae’s contribution to the world of vibrational medicament. With Robert’s discovery of the deepest levels of our subconsciousness woven into the blueprint of all of life, found within the space of the vital current, he has brought Rae’s work to a significantly deep level. Perhaps even as deep as it can possibly go in relation to the farthest reaches of humanity’s ability to suppress trauma; the soul level. Robert’s effort to share such a practical and effective method of healing to such a level is indeed laudable. Robert’s classes are simple, short, and concise, revealing to us exactly what is needed in order to practice effectively, without extraneous or confusing content. One thing to keep in mind is that he doesn’t lead us through his years of learning, struggles, or the obstacles he’s had to overcome along the way. He has simply skipped to the end and has revealed to us in 3 or 4 informative videos his deepest findings. I therefore suggest to the new or perhaps the skeptical student to go over this material several times until every word is understood and the entire concept is clear to you so that you completely understand what a precious gift of healing wisdom you have in your possession.”