
March 4, 2021 webadmin

As a chiropractic and naturopathic physician, I’ve studied numerous manual therapies so as to provide the best treatment for my patients. These techniques have ranged from massage, muscle energy, myofacial release, craniosacral therapy, chiropractic manipulation, reflexology, chiropractic manipulative reflex technique, and acupressure.

These therapies have given relief to my patients at one time or another and for a few fortunate patients a complete cure. However, after experiencing Core synchronism personally due to a lower back injury, I can honestly say that I’ve never experienced a technique so powerful, so absolute and so life altering as core synchronism. This gentle technique is true to its name; it reaches to your “Core”, and gently synchronizes your vital force, with your physical body. It has removed my pain which I had experienced daily. I’ve been pain free for well over a year. Robert Stevens has truly given a beautiful gift to the world through Core Synchronism.