Reflex Polarity (Reflexology)

Combining the principles of Polarity Therapy with the practice of Reflexology increases the effectiveness of both systems.

Reflexology is a strong part of Polarity Therapy.

Blockages (acid accumulations within the feet) will dissolve, open much easier and more quickly by this combination. This is known as Reflex Polarity.

Knowing an accurate map of the feet along with the layers of elemental relationships of Polarity Therapy allows a therapist to work from the feet to the body to the head or the reverse. This integrated tool gives the therapist many more options for opening up blocked energy.

  • Notes on Reflexology & Reflex Polarity

Healing Modalities

  • Life is a river of energy which must flow to keep clear and sweet in its function thru all the organisms of life’s expression. Only when life’s currents are obstructed and become stagnant, then fermentation of wastes and tissues causes decay and germs. Their origin is in decomposition.
    Dr. Randolph Stone
    Dr. Randolph Stone