Satvic Polarity Treatment

Satvic Polarity Treatment
August 11, 2024 webadmin
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The Satvic Polarity Treatment is very easy to do and extraordinarily effective. Satvic in the context of touch means touch that is soft, gentle, soothing, relaxing. The emphasis on this treatment is to induce a deep state of relaxation and a strong parasympathetic nervous system activation. All healing takes place under the influence of the parasympathetic nervous system which means this treatment is effective for all conditions and all ages. This treatment sequence is very easy to do. Please learn it and share it with anyone and everyone. I have yet to meet anyone that does not benefit from the Satvic Polarity Treatment.

This sequence is also a good review for graduates from the New Mexico School of Natural Therapeutics. Often times we make things more complicated then necessary. Simple is the way of Nature. Periodically we reach a place of not knowing where to go with our clients. Perhaps, we are not seeing the results that we are hoping for or a client seems stuck with their pain and suffering. I imagine you have forgotten the power of the Satvic Polarity Treatment. Give it a go and see what happens. You may be amazed at how your client responds and you may be amazed at what opens up when giving this simple but deeply effective treatment.

Note: In the live video of the Satvic Polarity Treatment when working on the back of the client do the shoulder, hip cross current manipulation on both sides before ending the back sequence with the back chakra balance. In the video it is done only on one side. I will plead a senior moment and ask for your forgiveness. Peace to you all, Robert